Friday, February 18, 2011

Trials of Parenthood Part 1

Raising my two young kids that are close in age is very trying at times. They are 21 months apart & might as well be twins. My son isn't potty trained yet. He understands the concept he cannot be bribed & firmly says "he doesn't do it"-My daughter is almost 1 & I think at this rate I will be potty training them at the same time.

He is in the "terrible twos" & shes has more diva, spunk, attitude than I imagined she would. Who knows where it comes from but I at this stage I already see we have different personalities. I feel like at the moment girls are harder. He talks constanatly, clearly, & says words you wouldn't think he can say. My children are different yet when I see them play together already you can see how much they make each other happy. Neither of them were planned but wanted VERY much. I see why God says they are truly a gift from Heaven.

As a testament for the women struggling to have children don't give up. In July of 2007 I was a few weeks pregnant, I had just has my birthday & my husband & I decided to get married finally. We had the rings for months but never set a date. It seemed like the perfect time to finally do it. 2 days later I woke up bleeding, we went to the ER & found out I had a "Threatened Miscarriage". I was told that nature would take its course & to go home & rest. If my body rejected the baby I would be back soon. Literally hours later I was back there. (After my husband drove 100 miles a hour to get me there, I was doubled over in pain barely able to walk) I was in process of losing the baby & they couldn't give me morphine soon enough it did take the edge off but that was it. Honestly my miscarriage was more painful than labor.

The next month was brutal. I had friends announcing they were pregnant & it felt like a knife in my stomach. I cried ALOT. A month to the day we lost our 1st baby I got pregnant with our son. The doctors told me that I couldn't be pregnant because I hadn't had a period following the miscarriage. Wrong-I was!!!
I had Hyperemesis lost 25 pounds, placenta previa, bed rest & my placenta quit feeding him around 32 weeks. Each visit it was something. I barely gained 15 pounds through all this. I had him a month early @ 5 pounds 11 ounces & 18 3.4 inches long. He was SO TINY. Did I mention also endured 18 hours of labor & flipped a bazillion times? It was rough.

Here's the kicker I got pregnant again 3 weeks after his 1st birthday with our daughter who is Mrs. Diva,lol
Easy labor although I gained more weight than I desired. 5 hours after getting induced she was here, 1 stitch too! It was nice to not feel like I got hit by a bus after labor.

My husband & my blood type are not compatible, our children's pediatrician told us this. He just mentioned it & it explained my miscarriage after all these years. Without a answer you always feel like there was something you could have done. Through the process of losing the baby I gained my husbands antibodies apparently that now allow me to carry his children. WOW eye opener!!

Moral of my story: Keep the faith! Many tears, happy & sad have rolled down my face. I have felt discouraged, overjoyed, & blessed. Don't give up on conceiving, God is so good & will help you. Just hang in there.

I have been pregnant or breastfeeding since June 2007-Long journey for us as a family & there's always room for 1 or 2 more :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2 Year Olds...It's been ONE of those days!

Anyone with kids can understand how frustrated you can get with them. This age has so many good things about it, but the bad parts make me wanna cry on MANY occasions. My son will turn 3 in May & is VERY talkative. You know exactly what he is saying & he will argue with you (never ending as well)

We just transitioned his crib into the daybed. The 1st night was good but daddy was here for back up. He is more afraid of him so he does exactly what he says. These last few nights by myself have been a so stressful & have worn me out! He won't stay in bed, he comes out for any reason he can think of, or I swear he poops on purpose just to annoy me. I am @ my wits end each night is a 3 hour parade of insanity he even drives the dog nuts now. When he had the crib he was a great sleeper. 8 on the dot, chocolate milk & a movie. He was out in minutes. Then he started jumping out of his crib. Man...

Tonight I have seen him try to eat a booger freaked out (I'm a germaphobe) I rushed him to the bathroom, he left a wagon I stepped on it fell, hit the vanity & now I have a huge bruise/bump on my elbow. Where did the "make sure all your toys are in your room" go? He also jumped up on the couch when I picked up to go to bed & hit my lip/jaw- Yep he busted it too.

He's on cup 3 of milk & I'm a official mess now lol

I had planned on finishing cleaning as a surprise for my husband that went out the window hours ago. I hate the feeling of defeat.

My son is very smart, I love him soooo much but he has run the gamete on me today.

Things won't get easier because we also have a little girl turning 1 on the 23rd. Lord please give me strength, I try not to get too upset, be a strong momma, work, & try to be a good wife. I need some guidance & peace when things like this happen. Our kids aren't always the best behaved but I know I love them more than anything.

To all the other moms out there: Hang in there, momma said there would be days like this, there'd be days like this my momma said!lol Just like the song. Great advice. lol Take it in stride they grow up way to fast!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chicken Recipe

It seems every blog has a recipe tab & I LOVE sharing/finding new ones. The easier, least ingredients, & short amount of time draw me in. I am busy & prep time has to short. At my house the healthier a meal is the better. ( See my previous blog as to why)

This is what I made for Valentines Day Lunch

1 Bag Chicken {Boneless/skinless)
Mrs. Dash seasoning to taste
2 tablespoons of butter
3 cans of whole potatoes

Put all ingredients in a pan & bake @ 400 for 1 hour. Takes 2 minutes for prep & tastes great!!

Sweet tea as a great addition if your not counting calories or sugar.

* Make any green or yellow vegetable to balance the meal out. Preferably frozen or fresh vegetables.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love & Marriage in 2011

Seeing as Valentine's Day is near I wanted to express my opinions on marriage/love in our society & how I do it each day.

I have been in a relationshipp with my husband since I was 13 (11 years now) & married 4 years in July. Our issues are a typical of people our age. We argue like a old married couple. We have definitely had our ups & downs through the years. We essentially grew up together & hit ALOT of "bumps" along the way! Our marriage has been tested in ways we never imagined.

Honestly what has carried me through the years is my faith. I believe God creates someone for each of us. He puts on a path to reach them, he never said it would be easy or wouldn't require hard work. I really believe that we can avoid divorce we have to put the effort in.(Some situations it is the only answer)
Life gets in the way of our ideal relationships with each other as husband & wife. There are days where we barely see each other. Our schedules are hectic but were just trying to make it through the day.

We attended a great marriage class based on the book "Love & Respect" it teaches that based on biblical principles man wants respect & a woman desires love. VERY good book if you want to better your relationship this will kick start it!
Ways to enhance your relationship each day
  1. Make a meal for him (Even if your not that great every man loves the idea of a hot meal being ready for him, essentially you are feed his appetite & soul)
  2. Leave a short note on his bathroom mirror in lipstick (remind him of you & tell him you care in your own way)
  3. If you share chores do his 1 day as a surprise so he can relax for a little bit
  4. Dress up when he least expects it in sky high heels & a sexy outfit (Men are so visual & heels are a instant turn on)
  5. If you haven't become a pro in bed yet lol & there's something he has been asking to do surprise him & agree. (Men like to conquer in so many ways!)
  6. Whatever his hobby is get him something related to it
    (cars, gaming, hunting, etc...)
  7. When your in the car alone, start a deep conversation ( My husband & I used to live hours apart & when we would travel we would have our best talks) Neither of you can go anywhere & you can get alot accomplished, just remember to have a cool head & keep your goal in mind.
  8. Make a list of goals you want to accomplish to together & post it where you both can see, so that you both are accountable & working towards the same things.
  9. If your cool with his mom find out things he liked in his childhood. Try to recreate a a fond memory.
  10. Share everything! No secrets, don't put yourself in bad situations (clubs, ex's, etc) if you put yourself there bad things are bound to happen, So don't be surprised if it does. Reinforce your relationship don't tear it down with your own hands.
  11. Hot Issues here-Phones/laptops- Don't have them locked, if your spouse wants to view your messages, or whatever they should. If you don't have anything to hid there shouldn't be a problem. If your spouse is giving you a reason for this don't accept it. There has to be something to it.
  12. Family- You each knew each others family going in, no excuses so deal with it like adults. Respecting your spouses family is respecting them. Arguing with your mother in law won't make things better, You get more flies with honey.
  13. Money- Set a budget, have 1 joint account, set financial goals. Have a limit for purchases that you can make without checking with each other, Ours is $50 bucks. Anything under is fine anything over we have to both agree on.
  14. "Free Time"- Each person is different here. A guys night or girls night once a month is acceptable IF you go on equal date nights to this. Set a agreed time home, NO EXCUSES, it will save you a fight. No sleeping in the next day either & slacking on your responsibilities around the house/kids
  15. Lastly respect, love, affection, time, &  the mindset to make it last will go far.  Apply each of these daily! Put God first in your relationship you will see a difference. I wish you long time happiness!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Motivation in My Career & Reaching Goals!

A month of the year is behind us. It doesn't feel like that's right, does it? Even if you don't make New Years resolutions, what is your motivation in your life? DO you have goals this year? How are you going to reach them?

I LOVE the feeling of accomplishment & a knowing I did a good job. I take it personal. I value honesty in my peers. Having someone to keep you accountable matters, not a drill Sergent but a friend to help you get there.

Since late last year I have felt like this year was going to be a turning point for my family & I. I don't know why I feel this way I just do. We have had a couple rough years mixed with such blessings. Since my husband & I have been married looking back some things are laughable & unbelievable.

My motivation is my family. I want to succeed for them, I want to provide for them. I want them to be proud of me. Every time I see my babies especially it reignites the fire inside for me to keep pushing on. Life is not easy. I believe my God likes a hard working, family oriented person with a servants heart. These are qualities I try to achieve.

In my line of work I deliver good & bad news. I really try my best to do well for my clients & take each homes as it were my own. I do not believe the transaction ends at the closing table. If you see me out I want you to be happy with me & happy in your home. That's my job! The details are what I do behind the scenes.
I don't mind giving someone a second chance with one of our rentals. I really go to bat for residents when I feel I need to. I believe that goes a long way. This is why even though we have a office phone I still get calls on my personal cell phone. They want to call me. I have developed great relationships with them.
I have been in Real Estate & Property Management for 5 years now, I have a awesome boss. I know your thinking, really?

I do we are friends & I believe we both want to see the business succeed & take it personally. In this business your reputation means alot. I want to keep mine in good order, so you better believe I am leaving my ego at the door & helping anyway I can. We work odd hours, rarely take days off, & usually work when your sleeping. I enjoy the flexibility of my job. I have kids I can't tell you how thankful I am to be able to work & spend time with them. Seriously they grow up way to fast!

Here's what matters no what field you are in!

1) Be a hard worker- I worked up until the day of my induction with my daughter (if I hadn't been put on bed rest with my son I would have then too) pregnant, pms'ing, sick, it doesn't matter. Lazy people never made it anywhere in life, hard work does pay off. Your definition of success with determine how successful you are.

2) Be Loyal-Loyalty to yourself/values & your job.  It never fails there are some agents who I never see at the office & don't have closings. If you have the option of flexible hours. Make a point to sit down each day for work. Don't complain if you don't put any work into it!

3) Don't Get Discouraged-  There are plenty of "haters" out there waiting for you to fail, love watching you stumble, can't wait to tell the whole world via Facebook, lol
Stay focused, be persistent, & be humble. These will help you get to your goal.

4)Take a Timeout- Even on your busiest day take 30 minutes to yourself, recover, collect your thoughts. Then jump back in it. I do this with a Starbucks run!

5)Be Your Biggest Fan- No one in my family understands my job. I work weird hours, I can't fully explain why I'm stressed out, & stay busy doing "nothing" in there eyes.
When I feel a lack of support I remind myself of my motivation (my babies!)

I hope this helps be genuine, keep up the hard work, & succeed in 2011. Were 1 month in & it looks great so far!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I LOVE sexy heels & I have to say that Bordello- The Ultimate Line in Seduction has the cutest heels I have seen in LONG time! Any color, tie up, strap, or slip in! The highest heels & you can even wear them out of the house too! If I ever hit the lotto I'll buy every pair they make. Prices start @ $60-$130 for each pair. Check them out you won't be disappointed!

Happy shoe shopping!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Who You Are Following....

I have written a few posts & done my 1st blog hop. As I was viewing these pages I wondered who some people were. A brief description & somewhat witty writing is catchy but enough to "follow" IDK, I guess I'm particular about who I choose as "friends" even in the cyber world lol

So if your like me wondering about who your "following"...
>I'll be 25 this year

>I am married to my middle school sweetheart we have been together since I was 13...we do not act our age because we feel like a old married couple @ times :)

>There are 2 kids so far a boy who's almost 3 & a little girl who will one next month.

>I am a Indianapolis Colts fan & you will hear & see about them on my blog. My whole family =huge fans!

>I have a English bulldog Georgia, if you have one you know why it's like having another kid.

>Supernatural is my favorite TV show...looks ain't bad boys & a good plot!

>I LOVE Starbucks, pretty shoes, Dove Chocolate, Stand up comedy, movies especially comedy's,American Eagle is my favorite place to shop for clothes, I usually don't wear makeup, Target over Wal- Mart any day & living in the south rocks!

>I have been in Real Estate for 5 years now & Property Management as well. I love my job it allows for each day to be different help people with there most important purchase of there life & allows flexible hours for my children. I plan on doing this for a Long time. I really enjoy it. (If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!)

> I am a Christian & feel like I will soon find a church to feel @ home @. I don't look down on other religions, I have friends with opposing views. I just just don't think it's a deal breaker with friends!lol

>I enjoy cooking on my terms, my schedule is really inconsistent so I do my best to make sure everyone eats good meals but my kids & husband each have different likes/dislikes..this makes it really hard. Oh & don't forget food rules either...geez! If you have easy healthy receipes please post them on your blog I am always looking for more!

>Music I like all kinds on Pandora though my favorite station is Jon B Radio, old school r & b just makes my heart flutter!

>I come from a large southern family this would be a book in itself. I don't have enough patience to go there!lol

>Favorite Foods---Mexican, German, Italian, & Southern Soul Food
Examples: Homemade nachos, stroganaff, spaghetti/Alfredo, 6 course Sunday dinner plates...oh & did I say carbs are my weakness?

>What you will find in my blog: Information, I want to be informative on real estate no matter what state you are in I hope I am able to help you! I want you to be able to relate & laugh I love my kids but they are crazy! I'm just trying to stay sane & enjoy life!

Email me topics or questions your wondering about, I will be happy to help!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adventures In Bodybuilding & Weightlifting Intro!

My husband started in this in late fall. There is so much more to this than you would think. Life is hectic enough as it is & he throws this in the mix. So I have searched for blog detailing life in this area. I have found nothing. He goes to the trainer 2x a week (who by the way is a cool guy & I hope awesomeness comes there way this year! Big Things Happening!) then he has to do his cardio too. Nutrition is ANOTHER job. You dont realize how unhealthy you cook & what you eat is until you have to scrutinize it.

Let's just say grocery shopping has completely changed & it is more expensive to cook this way too, but it is healthier. I think this is more beneficial for my kids in the long run. I am committed to trying to give my kids healthy eating habits. I don't care if they have sweets, drink sodas, or "eat like a kid" from time to time. You have to prepare your kids in so many different ways & I think that this is a great place to start!

Here are a few tips for eating/cooking healthier to start out.(I am still learning & will share information as I learn too!)
  1. Nothing fried-AT ALL
  2. Fruits a few servings a day & a great way to get your requirements is through smoothies(I will post a recipe for this)
  3. Veggies-Buy local & frozen if possible. Boil or lightly steam. Try not to have any "sauces" on it. A little salt/pepper or Mrs. Dash is ok.
  4. Dairy-reduced fat (lite or dark blue top) watch your intake here, especially if you use milk in your smoothies. String cheese, yogurt, or cottage cheese are a good snack.
  5. Carbs- Are really tricky! I try to do potato's 1x a day of some kind. (Baked, sweet, or whole) Research your carbs bc everybody is different.
  6. Pasta-Whole wheat, add veggies to your sauce, lean meat is a good protein source(turkey or the leanest hamburger meat, chicken too) Stay away from white sauces, I know they taste better but you can reduce your calorie intake & fill up with a red sauce.
  7. Protein-Chicken, steak, or turkey-leanest cuts grilled, baked or broiled. Pork is very fattening so watch it!
  8. Drinks-Water if you can always, carbonated drinks(Sprite or ginger ale), teas (green, hot, sweet w/real sugar no substitutes)
  9. Bread-Whole wheat, Hawaiian rolls in moderation, no white bread of any kind!
  10. Snacks- This is hard because your snacks have to hold you over until meal time but not have a ton of calories & fuel your muscles. I like string cheese, handful of nuts, homemade salsa, fruit of choice, a protein shake, popcorn, or veggies in a fat free dip.
  11. Desserts- I think everything in moderation.  Once a week I make my husband sugar cookies or brownies. That's it. He gets no other sweets period. Holidays are an exception. The kids can have as many cookies as they want. At this point I do not have ice cream or any frozen desserts on period.
I hope this helps you if you need a place to start for getting heatlhier & losing weight or gaining muscle. I will have blogs to follow on this one because it is a learning experience.

If you are local I would like to encourage you to visit Olympus Gym, they have personal trainers on hand for you to USE! Tanning beds, sauna, childcare, group exercise & less than $15 a month with 2 locations in the Boro!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things To Do In Murfreesboro!

I often find myself racking my brain on what to do each weekend, if your new to the area this might be a starting point!

Bowling-We have 2 bowling alleys Lanes Trains & Automobiles is the newest. It has bumper cars, multiple restaurants, bar, arcade, TONS of lanes.

For more traditional bowling atmosphere visit 

Skating- Skate Center West located near Broad street & Medical Center Pkwy

Parks- There are PLENTY of parks in Murfreesboro there is wooden castle play area close to Stones River Mall, Barfield Park has extensive walking trails & nature center.

Malls- There are 2 malls the main difference being Stones River mall is indoor & The Avenue is a outdoor mall

Go Karting/Put Put Golf- There is 1 place to go for this near the malls & I 24

Golfing- There are quiet a few places to golf no need to elaborate here are the websites
Swimming- There are many options for staying cool in the summer here, you can read my blog on neighborhoods with swimming pools or visit one of there public venues.
Sports Com has been totally re-vamped & is much like a mini-Nashville Shores!
Movie Theaters- We have 2 theaters as well. A Carmike off Cason Lane & a locally owned theater in Jackson Heights Plaza
Carmike Wynnsong-
Premeire 6-
Athletic Clubs- There are plenty of these around, I will list the top few I can think of
Have fun & ENJOY what Murfreesborooffer!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Murfreesboro Neighborhoods...A few with Amenities you'll LOVE!

Murfreesboro has neighborhoods that make life a little simpler for our hectic lives. I thought I would compile a short list of a few neighborhoods that offer a little more comfort...

Marymont Springs-This one is slated to have a state art community center with a pool,club house, fitness center, walking trails, & a playground. It sits on the land of a old plantation home (which now serves as the information home) Prices start $300's for the 1st phase. Eventually there will be starter homes, townhomes, & mid-range homes as well.. If custom is what you want you can do it here!
Close to schools, interstate, shopping, & entertainment off Hwy 96

Berkshire-This neighborhood features some colonial style homes as well as more modern style homes. A community clubhouse & pool. Each phase has a different period feel for it. There are 1 level homes for a first time homebuyer all the way to a custom built home to your taste. This neighborhood has lots still available to choose from.
Close to schools, interstates (24 & 840), shopping, & entertainment near Beasley Road

Cedar Crest- This neighborhood sits beside Cedar Crest golf course. This community is the most rural on this list. Off Jefferson Pike & Mona Rd. This neighborhood starts in 200s
It's not close to much but a treat if you take the time to view it.
Close to: 840

Indian Hills-This neighborhood features a golf course with multiple clubhouses, pool, playground, & restaurant on site as well. If you like golfing this may the neighborhood for you, it's 1 of two with a golf course on site. Prices range from 140s to the million range. There are some townhomes available as well.
Close to schools, interstates (24), shopping, & entertainment near 231/South Church Street

Liberty Valley- In North Murfreesboro off Central Valley Rd this neighborhood has all brick homes with a community pool. Its a little off the beaten path but offers newer homes in North Murfreesboro starting from the 175 range to 300k
Close to schools, interstate (840), shopping, & entertainment near the soccer fields & sports com off 231 North

Prestwick-This small neighborhood is off Rutherford Blvd close to MTSU & offers community pool. You are very close to MTSU, might be a great place for you sports fans!

Savannah Ridge-This neighborhood has a community pool & sits right behind a local favorite Camino Real Restaurant.
Close to schools, interstate (24), shopping, & entertainment near 231/South Church Street

Stratford Hall- This neighborhood has a community pool, playground & it is a gated community near MTSU. Newer custom homes within walking distance of campus.
Close to schools, interstate (24), shopping, MTSU, & entertainment near Rutherford Blvd, HWY 96E

Weston Park-This neighborhood has a community pool & sits right off Salem Hwy. Close to the newest Murfreesboro Exit off 24. It has new construction & the price range goes from 160s to 400s
Close to schools, interstate (24), shopping, MTSU, & entertainment near Old Salem Hwy

I hope this helps you if you are in search of a home ina  neighborhood with amenities. Each of these neighborhoods has something to offer a seasoned buyer. Don't worry if you can't purchase a home in one of these neighborhoods yet, baby steps you will! Everyone has to start the home owning process somewhere.

Below I have links with information on the neighborhoods listed (If I forgot a neighborhood please email me!)
Marymont Springs-Marymont Springs | Privately Gated, Resort Life-style Residential
Indian Hills- 
Liberty Valley-
Savannah Ridge-
Stratford Hall-

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Starbucks ROCKS!

I hear "It's expensive"or I don't like coffee alot when I say I LOVE Starbucks. It has branded quality drinks with a clean, relaxing atmosphere for decades. I like to know where they are located  where ever I am traveling. You have to give it a chance & more times than not you'll be hooked. I once heard a comedian say no on would be surprised if they found out crack was in Starbucks. Anyone who has drank it would agree  & laugh.

I know I can count on getting exactly what I like each time I go there. Quality ingredients even in the food. I do not go to McDonald's for anything anymore, it's too fattening. The barista usually have a spunky mood even if its super early & encourage you to try a drink to see if you like it! 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, I have myself got a drink & it didn't taste right & they replaced it free & without any questions.
I would like for them to be open til 11pm daily that's my only complaint. Less expensive would be great but I don't foresee that happening.

Starbucks is celebrating 40 years & introduced just today a new size drink 'Trenta". Thanks for listening!
We all want more...

If you don't have a favorite here are a few I can recommend.. All can be Hot or Cold!
Tall(Small), Grande(Medium),Venti (Large),Trenta(Ex Large)

Vanilla Latte- Is my FAVORITE, no foam, extra hot can have any drink "skinny" for 1/3 less fat**
White Chocolate Mocha
Hot Chocolate
Caramel Macchiato- Cold extra caramel!
Cinnamon Dulce Latte-Yummy!
There are seasonal drinks, Gingerbread, Eggnog, Creme Brulee, Peppermint Mocha, or Pumpkin Spice Latte
They also have teas, frappucinos(milkshake), Viviannos(Smoothie), Cider, & kids drinks too!

I Love Starbucks & I hope you give it a try too! Become they're friend of Facebook it pays off when they post a deal! Grab a book & head to Starbucks....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fences Make Good Neighboors...

This old saying is true more times than not. If you are looking to install a fence here are a few tips to ease the process.
 You could try a little DIY fencing. Honestly unless you are really handy & have the required tools on hand to complete this, leave it to the professionals!lol
(Farrer Bros, Lowes, &  Home Depot all rent the tools you would need even trailers to haul it to the house)

Professional Installation is my preferred method. You get a warranty on defected installation unlike the DIY method. You don't have wear yourself out, get snowed, rained or frustrated with the job. There are a few companies in town that can assist you. Please make sure that the company you use has insurance before starting work on your property. This is mandated by Tennessee State Law.

Personally I have dealt with quite a few but Bratton Bros here in Murfreesboro does great work. They can construct just about anything you request & will be honest with you. Your welcome to choose whom ever you would like this is just my personal review**

Factors of Fence Pricing-
Rock- If you have a lot of it be ready! Someone has to remove it....
Size of the area you would like to fence-The bigger the more it costs
Materials-Some materials are less expensive than other is all about look & durability(Wood, PVC, IRON)
Labor-How labor intensive the job will be.
(It is done by the foot, plus gate & rock removal cost)

Some local companies....

Friday, January 14, 2011

One of the MOST touchy subjects...Your Pets!

I have a English Bulldog -Georgia she is our families latest addition. We adopted her from the animal shelter roughly 6 months ago, we are still getting to know her. Believe me anyone with a English Bulldog will tell you, life is intrestingly fun & gross. I understand where you die hard amimal lovers come from. We care for her & shame on me if she stays outside too long! Having a animal when selling your home is a subject that should be covered & instructions followed if needed by any agent showing your home.

I once had a listing appointment with a couple who didn't have any kids but had 2 small dogs who might as well been children. I toured the home  & performed my listing presentation. We came to agree on everything but the situation with their dogs. They would not let them outside during the day while they were gone, put them in a kennel, or put them at a "doggie daycare" so showings could be performed. This was a very upscale home, well kept, & honestly we could have sold it I believe. The major deal breaker is the dogs. They refused to do anything with them (they were major barkers too) It was beyond reason to them that a potential buyer would be annoyed by this or walk away completely. You may LOVE your dog but not everyone is a dog lover.

I just don't understand when a REALTOR tells you something has to be done to sell your home & you flat out refuse over a pet.

I will tell you if your home smells like pet urine! Thanks to my nose after having children, I am very sensitive to smells. I am not embarrased to say "Mr & Mrs. Smith you need to replace the carpet before we list the home it has a strong urine smell." It's not personal it's business, I am hired to effieciently sell your home for as much & as fast as I can. I run across this problem & honestly as nasty as it sounds most people don't realize the smell until someone else says something, they are used to it.

Kennel your pet! A potential buyer should be able to freely walk around the home without worrying about your "really docile rottweiler". How can one feel at home when they are worried about keeping they're appendages?

Poop Scoop your back yard.
A potential buyer should be able to walk around outside without smelling or stepping in your animals feces. This will be a MAJOR deal breaker & will end up on your homes floors incidently too.

Finally don't be offended if the feed back from a showing on your home deals with one of these issues. Every pet owner "thinks" they're  home doesn't smell. Take it seriously if you would like to sell your home. Offer to replace the carpet after closing of you can't do it until you close the home.
Owners should go the extra mile seeing as your pet did damage  in the home.

Be a Responsible Pet Owner & IT WILL PAY OFF when you sell your home!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why to choosing a REALTOR is IMPORTANT!

Whether I am dealing with a first time homebuyer or a client who has purchased before, a few of the same questions or topics arise. The market is constantly changing & as a REALTOR is my job to keep you informed. I feel like the golden rule applies in real estate. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated. I will relay good & bad information even if it might be hard to hear. I think too many REALTORS try & play nice & just hope that the home closes. I believe there are a few items of advice that you should know when begining to purchase or sell a home.

>Make sure that the person you choose truly holds a license with the state your in
(Each state ensures that continuing education & insurance is strictly adheared to)

>I think that chemistry is important with your agent. You should be able to trust them explicity to follow the laws & to try to meet your requests. This is a major step in life & you should be represented correctly & hopefully make a friend along the way !

>Search the MLS even if your agent already is. Your agent will send you homes via email that fit your criteria but it can't hurt to keep looking too. This ensures communication.

>When looking at the home be HONEST if there is something you don't like tell your agent!! This is not personal so don't be afraid to explain why the pink kitchen is just off the list!

>If you have questions ask them, either right away or write them down so everything can be explained clearly to you.

>Have access to a computer,email, fax, printer, or scanner (You & Your Agent)
There are times especially in short sales & foreclosures paperwork must be signed ASAP! Any delay could jepordize the offer.

> The market dictates sales price as your agent you will be giving you expert advice on what a home could be worth. If your selling your home get 3 opinions if you do not agree, be careful though the highest list price may cost you in the end. Statistics matter in real estate not what you believe your home is worth. Again it's not personal you ar presented facts based on what has sold & for what in your area.

When purchasing the same applies, offering 20k below list price for your dream home will not only offended the seller but could get your offer rejected completly & you might be back to square one in your search. Consider what your agent says on list price when making a offer. A suggested offer price is not created out of thin air, it is based on statistics in the area your home is in. Make a educated decision & be aware the terms of your offer.

>Short Sales & Foreclosures are usually a long process & can emotionally drain your excitment of the home buying process. Things will go much smoother if you prepare your self for this. In this case be ready for anything the bank is not aware of any history on the home your home inspection is VERY important!

>GET A HOME INSPECTION!! You are making the biggest purchase if your life do not go into the home blind.

>To wrap it up remember that your agent is not superman or superwoman. No one is perfect & at the end of the day we are all human. Even if you are at the end of your rope with things. Please treat each other with respect. Refrain from yelling, cussing, or belittling your agent. Yes you have hired them to represent you & sometimes things just do click or work out. You have every right to choose someone else.
                              THE GOLDEN RULE APPLIES ALWAYS!