Anyone with kids can understand how frustrated you can get with them. This age has so many good things about it, but the bad parts make me wanna cry on MANY occasions. My son will turn 3 in May & is VERY talkative. You know exactly what he is saying & he will argue with you (never ending as well)
We just transitioned his crib into the daybed. The 1st night was good but daddy was here for back up. He is more afraid of him so he does exactly what he says. These last few nights by myself have been a so stressful & have worn me out! He won't stay in bed, he comes out for any reason he can think of, or I swear he poops on purpose just to annoy me. I am @ my wits end each night is a 3 hour parade of insanity he even drives the dog nuts now. When he had the crib he was a great sleeper. 8 on the dot, chocolate milk & a movie. He was out in minutes. Then he started jumping out of his crib. Man...
Tonight I have seen him try to eat a booger freaked out (I'm a germaphobe) I rushed him to the bathroom, he left a wagon I stepped on it fell, hit the vanity & now I have a huge bruise/bump on my elbow. Where did the "make sure all your toys are in your room" go? He also jumped up on the couch when I picked up to go to bed & hit my lip/jaw- Yep he busted it too.
He's on cup 3 of milk & I'm a official mess now lol
I had planned on finishing cleaning as a surprise for my husband that went out the window hours ago. I hate the feeling of defeat.
My son is very smart, I love him soooo much but he has run the gamete on me today.
Things won't get easier because we also have a little girl turning 1 on the 23rd. Lord please give me strength, I try not to get too upset, be a strong momma, work, & try to be a good wife. I need some guidance & peace when things like this happen. Our kids aren't always the best behaved but I know I love them more than anything.
To all the other moms out there: Hang in there, momma said there would be days like this, there'd be days like this my momma said!lol Just like the song. Great advice. lol Take it in stride they grow up way to fast!
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