Friday, February 18, 2011

Trials of Parenthood Part 1

Raising my two young kids that are close in age is very trying at times. They are 21 months apart & might as well be twins. My son isn't potty trained yet. He understands the concept he cannot be bribed & firmly says "he doesn't do it"-My daughter is almost 1 & I think at this rate I will be potty training them at the same time.

He is in the "terrible twos" & shes has more diva, spunk, attitude than I imagined she would. Who knows where it comes from but I at this stage I already see we have different personalities. I feel like at the moment girls are harder. He talks constanatly, clearly, & says words you wouldn't think he can say. My children are different yet when I see them play together already you can see how much they make each other happy. Neither of them were planned but wanted VERY much. I see why God says they are truly a gift from Heaven.

As a testament for the women struggling to have children don't give up. In July of 2007 I was a few weeks pregnant, I had just has my birthday & my husband & I decided to get married finally. We had the rings for months but never set a date. It seemed like the perfect time to finally do it. 2 days later I woke up bleeding, we went to the ER & found out I had a "Threatened Miscarriage". I was told that nature would take its course & to go home & rest. If my body rejected the baby I would be back soon. Literally hours later I was back there. (After my husband drove 100 miles a hour to get me there, I was doubled over in pain barely able to walk) I was in process of losing the baby & they couldn't give me morphine soon enough it did take the edge off but that was it. Honestly my miscarriage was more painful than labor.

The next month was brutal. I had friends announcing they were pregnant & it felt like a knife in my stomach. I cried ALOT. A month to the day we lost our 1st baby I got pregnant with our son. The doctors told me that I couldn't be pregnant because I hadn't had a period following the miscarriage. Wrong-I was!!!
I had Hyperemesis lost 25 pounds, placenta previa, bed rest & my placenta quit feeding him around 32 weeks. Each visit it was something. I barely gained 15 pounds through all this. I had him a month early @ 5 pounds 11 ounces & 18 3.4 inches long. He was SO TINY. Did I mention also endured 18 hours of labor & flipped a bazillion times? It was rough.

Here's the kicker I got pregnant again 3 weeks after his 1st birthday with our daughter who is Mrs. Diva,lol
Easy labor although I gained more weight than I desired. 5 hours after getting induced she was here, 1 stitch too! It was nice to not feel like I got hit by a bus after labor.

My husband & my blood type are not compatible, our children's pediatrician told us this. He just mentioned it & it explained my miscarriage after all these years. Without a answer you always feel like there was something you could have done. Through the process of losing the baby I gained my husbands antibodies apparently that now allow me to carry his children. WOW eye opener!!

Moral of my story: Keep the faith! Many tears, happy & sad have rolled down my face. I have felt discouraged, overjoyed, & blessed. Don't give up on conceiving, God is so good & will help you. Just hang in there.

I have been pregnant or breastfeeding since June 2007-Long journey for us as a family & there's always room for 1 or 2 more :)

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